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Anna Riva

Spiritual Guide Essential Oils

Enchanting lives and inspiring minds for decades, Anna Riva’s special line of blended oils helps to shift vibrations and bring forth our innate powers.

Anna Riva was an acclaimed and prolific writer of spiritual books such as Powers of the Psalms, Golden Secrets of Mystic Oils, Modern Herbal Spell book, and Candle Burning Magic. This website will be devoted to continuing her passion for the mystical by sharing her insights and other spiritual information.

Using her expert knowledge and studies, she personally formulated several hundred spiritual products in her Anna Riva line of oils, incenses, and powders that have been sought after and trusted for generations.

After her retirement in the late 1980s, Anna Riva bestowed her cherished recipe cards on Indio Products who shepherded the manufacture of her magical oils, incenses and powders. Anna Riva’s line of products are sold by numerous spiritual suppliers, including at the website of Wisdom Products at the link below.

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